Multiple Sclerosis Team

About Us

The Jaffe Multiple Sclerosis Center provides the latest diagnostic and therapeutic services for patients with multiple sclerosis and other disorders of the central nervous system. About Us

Our comprehensive, individualized medical care is delivered by a team of leading specialists.

Patient Care

We provide compassionate patient care and personalized medicine, orchestrating contributions from a team of world-renowned neurology specialists to stop and reverse the progression of multiple sclerosis, while addressing the emotional, cognitive and rehabilitative needs of patients and their families. Patient Care

Our specialists provide state-of-the-art treatment for all major demyelinating disorders.

Testimonials Icon

The nurse is so great. She has no problem finding a vein or getting blood. She’s so sweet and happy all the time. She’s fun to talk to. Love her!



May 07

Neurology Grand Rounds

May 07 to 9:30am
Lecture Topic: "Pregnancy, lactation, and menopause in neurological patients: Case studies from MS" Riley Bove, MD, MSc Associate Professor of...

Jun 25

The Diane Goldman Kemper and Robin Kemper Multiple Sclerosis Wellness Seminar Series

Jun 25 to 7:30pm
Lecture Topic: Fertility Options and Considerations for MS Patients. Speaker: Dr. Alexis P. Melnick, M.D. A recording of this event will be posted...