Here at the Weill Cornell Medicine Multiple Sclerosis Center, we are now offering brief batteries of cognitive testing on all our patients.
Cognitive issues are not uncommon in patients with MS.
Cognitive testing helps us to see how your brain is functioning.
The tests will assess your memory, judgement, thinking, language, and the ability to learn new things.
A problem with cognition may range from mild to severe.
These tests cannot show the cause of impairment but can help your doctor find out if you need more extensive testing and take necessary step to address the problem.
Based on results additional testing might be necessary with a neuropsychologist.
Serial cognitive testing can help detect even subtle changes in cognition that can be missed on a regular routine folow-up visit.
These screening tests are quick and simple.
You will not need to prepare and cannot study for these basic tests.
Have you ever heard of symbol digit modalities test (SDMT)? Well, that is one of the tests we will perform.
Call us for an appointment today.
Stacyann, NP